Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Anyone Else Hate Pesach? (Or at least the Ashkenazi Orthodox version?)

Last year, I did not go to my parents' house and instead had a non-traditional Pesach, complete with an "Eco-Seder," a Conservative seder, and a complete inattention to the holiday's particular kashrut laws.

This year, I'll be my parents' house and thus be subject to long Orthodox-style seders in which I will hear the same (LONG) d'var torahs I've already heard 20-some-odd times (some read directly out of haggadahs) and won't eat until almost midnight.

Then I will have an eight day stretch of matzah and potato starch. But no matzah balls or matzah lasagne or any other such delicious thing because my parents keep gebruchts. And naturally no rice, etc., because of kitniyot. My stomach aches in anticipation.

Yeah, I guess I should stop being so bitter and just try to enjoy what I've committed to doing. But I feel like whining right now. So that's what I'm doing.

On a more exciting note: I went to a Renewal service a few weeks back and it was AWESOME. I will report back on that experience soon.